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Soft-Tissue Surgery With Compassionate Care In Mind

At Rustburg Veterinary Clinic, our team understands the anxiety that can arise regarding pet surgery. We want to assure you that we’re here to alleviate your concerns. Our experienced veterinarians utilize the most advanced veterinary technology to perform safe and effective procedures for your pet’s surgery.

Whether it’s a mass removal, thoracic surgery, spay or neuter, abdominal surgery, or other procedures, your furry companion will receive our team’s utmost care and expertise. Trust us to provide your pet with skilled and compassionate hands throughout the process.


Mass Removals

We perform mass removals to remove abnormal growths or masses from your pet’s body. Our skilled veterinarians carefully evaluate the mass and determine the best approach for removal.

During the surgery, your pet will be placed under anesthesia, and the mass will be excised using precise surgical techniques to ensure complete removal and minimize potential complications. Once the removal is complete, we will send it out for testing to analyze for possible further treatment.


Abdominal Surgery

An abdominal surgery is a complex procedure that involves accessing and operating within the abdominal cavity. Our veterinarians perform abdominal surgeries such as:


 Organ removal

 Tumor removal

 Intestinal obstruction

 Exploratory surgeries


Thoracic Surgery

A pet thoracic surgery involves operating within the chest cavity to address various conditions affecting the heart, lungs, or other structures in the chest. Our experienced veterinarians perform thoracic surgeries to improve your pet’s respiratory function and overall health by successfully treating heart and lung conditions.

Spay and Neuter

Spaying or neutering your pet provides numerous health benefits and helps control the pet population. The surgery involves removing the reproductive organs and is performed under general anesthesia. Visit our spay and neuter page to learn more.


Learn More About Pet Surgery at Rustburg Veterinary Clinic

Contact us today with any questions about our pet surgery services or to schedule your pet’s surgery. Our team will provide compassionate care throughout the entire process, from thorough preoperative exams to attentive postoperative recovery.

We are committed to guiding you every step of the way, ensuring you and your pet receive the highest level of support and expertise.


Rustburg Veterinary Clinic provides soft tissue surgery, pet wellness exams, vaccinations, dental exams with digital X-ray, orthopedic surgery, daytime urgent and  emergency care, and more for cats and dogs in Rustburg, Lynchburg, Forest, Brookneal, Gladys, Red House, Phenix, and the surrounding areas.

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